Friday, February 27, 2009

Trip to Lake Placid

I snuck away this week for two days with Kira's Dad and his friend Curt. My good friend Matt was in Lake Placid as the Sports Psychologist for the Canadian sliding teams at the world championships. I had a great time and enjoyed an event I had never seen live before. I couldn't believe the speed of these athletes! (Photo above is in Northern Vermont, you see the strangest things there.)

"Ski Trip" has a strange meaning to Curt and Mike.

This place has an unbelievable amount of Olympic history.
I was amazed that the last 300m of the track is actually uphill.

Canadian Jeff Pain

Track was covered a bit due to the sun
(Whiteface ski hill in the background)

Athletes waiting at the start.

1 comment:

Alan Maudie said...

Hey Eddy, did you try any two man louging?