Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day trip to the Mountains

A day out in Canmore today. Man we take this place for granted!

First week without training wheels ("Just like Thomas" Ben's says)
Thomas is his buddy in North Hatley.

GG getin er dun.

Throwing rocks by the river

A couple hours by Quary lake finished off the day.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


First Day of Hockey for the little guy today. He was the last one off the ice. (already trying to make an impression with the coaches)

Waiting to get on.

"Come on coach.. put me in!"


Post game, in the locker room.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labour Day Shenanigans

Labour Day weekend is always a good time in Cochrane. The Parade and the Rodeo are the highlights for sure.

Ben saving his sister from an oncoming....


This Guy always makes the blog

This was Bens favorite

The Rodeo is also a huge hit with the kids.

Melissa Hollingsworth (Olympic bronze medalist in skeleton) rounding the barrels

We also got in some tenting...

Found a very convenient site.

Spidy and Princess loved it