Friday, December 30, 2011

Skiing and Haircuts

 Trip to "Melonheads" for a haircut.

 New gear for Christmas

 New sticks.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Catch up

A few random pics to catch everyone up on the recent Polhill 
activity (inactivity is probably a better description).

Pretty pumped for Santa.

They like posing in front of the tree.

Doing "homework" on the ipad.

Ben got this wolf hat and paws in Banff.  
The first night we found him sleeping like this.

Kira and I have one more reason to be
pumped about North Hatley this summer!
We went in with her Parents on this little gem.  The fleet is growing.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


GG being Spidy-mam

Georgia loved playing with the "weeds"


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Butterfield Acres

Took the kids to the big pumpkin hunt at Butterfield acres.  
Good times!


 More Goats

 Giant Horse

 Found the pumpkins!

 GG = Pumped

Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekend in Invermere

A fall tradition for us is to head down to the "other mountains" as Ben say's,
with Colin and Nat and fam.

Some quiet time for Ben and Ava.

These guys are up to no trouble at all.

The pad.

Radium Hot Springs.

Colin left Nat at home so she could have some "quality time" with the baby.
Unfortunately he also left the swimsuit bag at home...
luckily (or unluckily, you be the judge) they rent suits at the Hot Springs.
(sorry Colin, Kira made me post this)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day trip to the Mountains

A day out in Canmore today. Man we take this place for granted!

First week without training wheels ("Just like Thomas" Ben's says)
Thomas is his buddy in North Hatley.

GG getin er dun.

Throwing rocks by the river

A couple hours by Quary lake finished off the day.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


First Day of Hockey for the little guy today. He was the last one off the ice. (already trying to make an impression with the coaches)

Waiting to get on.

"Come on coach.. put me in!"


Post game, in the locker room.