Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The kids.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cabane a sucre

Ben and I headed up to our friend Danny's for a look at his sugaring operation. It is quite a tradition here in Quebec in the spring as everyone collects the sap to make the maple syrup. I was interested to see how this all takes place. Upon further investigation I discovered, like many traditions here, it's basically just an excuse to go out into the woods and drink beer with the fellas.

In the first run of sap 700 gallons of sap boiled down to 14 gallons of syrup.

The hardest work I witnessed.

Ben enjoyed it very much thankyou.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sherbrooke Winter Festival

It's a short (15min) drive to Sherbrooke where we took in the winter festivities this weekend. Photo above shows Ben just about to throw down with this clown.
Sleigh ride and pony ride, all in the span of 15 minutes.

Ben kept his distance from this cow.
I don't blame him, cow looked a bit sketchy.
Unfortunately Colin, this was as close as I got to the ice.

Train ride.